Recladding Leaky Homes

Building Value Back Into Your Home

Leakey Home repair

Recladding Leaky Homes

Finding out your home is suffering from leaky building syndrome and requires major remedial work is a stressful and difficult time for leaky homeowners. It is not always easy to know what advice you need, what leaky building repair solutions are available and where is the best place to start when it comes to repairing your leaky home.

Allied Exteriors has gained extensive practical experience repairing and recladding leaky homes and buildings over the last seven years. There is no substitute for practical experience in this tricky area of remedial build work. Our experience and technical expertise means we are able to provide our clients with sound, practical and realistic advice regarding your remedial options.

Allied Exteriors provides full contract service for repairing leaky homes including the following:

  • Building Consent Drawings and SpecificationBuilding Consent Applications
  • Project Management
  • Weather Protection
  • Cladding Removal
  • Building Repair Work
  • New Cladding Installation
  • Painting and Decoration
  • Code Compliance Certificate


For more information about recladding, see our Commonly Asked Questions. To discuss your recladding requirements, contact us on (09) 479 8901 or visit our premises at 19A Triton Drive, Albany.

The Recladding Process

Every project is different and the work methodology for each recladding project will vary. However, there are key components of the cladding process that are commmon to all recladding projects, including:-

  • Preparation of Reclad Design and Specification
  • Building Consent application to the Council.
  • Removal of all the existing cladding, building wrap, joinery and insulation.
  • Removing all damaged or decayed timber (under supervision of Building Consultant and Council) and replacing with treated timber.
  • Alteration of any construction details required to make compliant with the current building code (i.e. reconstruction of decks to provide for membrane up-stand and falls to drainage outlets).
  • Treatment of all existing timber with an approved timber treatment.
  • Installation of insulation, new building wrap and waterproofing tapes.
  • Installation of refurbished joinery or new joinery.
  • Installation of a new cladding system of your choice


Recladding work involves undertaking major surgery on the exterior envelope, structure and often the interior of your home. There are a lot of pitfalls in this specialist area of work that have serious cost implications for the homeowner and the building contractor. We have learnt an enormous amount over the last seven years and leverage our experience to ensure our clients get the correct advice and the best solutions.

To discuss your recladding requirements, contact us on (09) 479 8901 or visit us at our office / showroom at 19A Triton Drive, Albany. 

What are the benefits of Recladding your Home?

There are a lot of benefits that come with recladding your home, including:-

  • All rotten or decayed timber will be removed from the structure of your home and the existing timber treated by coating and injection with a timber treatment.
  • Your home will be brought up to the current Building Code E2/AS1 requirements (i.e. this typically will require a cavity cladding system).
  • You will obtain a new Code Compliance Certificate from the Council.
  • You will have a new exterior cladding system (and the opportunity to change to a different cladding system (i.e. weatherboards)).
  • You will have the peace of mind that goes with knowing all problematic areas have been exposed and repaired.
  • Opportunity to upgrade insulation (i.e. higher specification bats and double glazed joinery) and/or make building alterations at the same time.
  • A full reclad will likely re-establish the full value in your property and will make it far more saleable.


To discuss your recladding requirements, contact us on (09) 479 8901 or visit us at our office / showroom at 19A Triton Drive, Albany.