Leaky Deck Repair

Is your deck membrane leaking and requires replacement?

Leaky Deck Repair and Refurbishment

Decks are a major cause of leaking and feature heavily in the leaky building saga. We have undertaken remedial work to repair over 80 leaky decks in the last few years and that experience means we know what to look for and how to scope an appropriate remedial solution.

The vast majority of the leaking decks we repair are tiled decks over a butynol membrane and typically constructed in the 1990’s to late 2000’s. There have been a lot of lessons learned about deck design and detailing since that period and we have incorporated those learnings into our remedial solutions. The typical defects and/or high-risk details we find on leaking decks include:

  • Waterproofing membrane failure (failed glued membrane joints or membrane deterioration)
  • Lack of fall to encourage water run-off to drainage outlets
  • Poorly designed drainage outlets / membrane terminations
  • Lack of upstand for the waterproofing membrane under joinery units
  • Plaster cladding hard down onto the deck surface allowing moisture wicking
  • Undersized drainage outlets and/or no overflows
  • Flat top plastered handrails without a proper waterproofing detail
  • Lack of saddle flashings at the balustrade and wall junction.  


There are no short-cuts when it comes to effecting a durable repair to a leaking deck membrane. Typically, we strip decks back to the underlying joist structure and re-detail the deck by installing a new substrate and waterproofing membrane to the current building code and membrane manufacturer’s requirements. Design improvements to resolve higher risk details are critical to the long-term performance of the repair solution.

With oextensive experience remediating leaking decks, we know the options to resolve problematic details and offer our clients the benefit of our expertise to ensure the right outcome. 

If you have a leaking deck or wish to replace your deck membrane before it starts leaking, call us on (09) 479 8901 or visit us at our office / showroom at 19A Triton Drive, Albany.