Leaky Home Repairs

Helping Clients Find The Right Repair Solution For Them

Putting Leaky Homes Right

Living in a leaky home is bad for your physical health and your financial well being. If moisture is getting into your home and is not addressed, the damage will eventually lead to major structural failure and a huge repair bill. Moisture in your wall structure provides a perfect environment for rot and dangerous moulds and this can lead to severe health problems for you and your family.

The team at Allied Exteriors has been fixing homes that suffer from “leaky home syndrome” for over eight years and have completed over 2000 projects ranging from small plaster crack repairs to major plaster refurbishments to full reclads. We are very experienced at repairing leaky homes in Auckland and have the practical knowledge, technical expertise and track record to prove it. 

We Help Leaky Homeowners Choose the Right Path

The leaky home repair industry is full of advisers, consultants, architects and contractors whose advice is flavoured by how they make their money. A full reclad generates more consultancy, design and project management fees than a targeted repair option (for example). At the other end of the spectrum, a painting contractor will minimise the repair work requirements to secure a paint job.

We have a different philosophy. We understand that not all leaky home owners can afford to reclad. We also understand recladding does not always make economic sense. Similarly, we know a lick of paint is not going to stop moisture from damaging your home where there are cracks in the exterior plaster and poor construction details. Of course, for some leaky homes, recladding may be the only practical option.

We help our clients by taking them through the various repair options along with the benefits and financial implications attaching to each option so our customers can make an informed decision about which path is right for them. 

Repair Options for Leaky Plaster Homes

There are various options to repair cracked or failing plaster cladding systems ranging from targeted repairs to corrective detailing to full recladding. Which repair option is best for you will depend upon a number of influencing factors including:

1) Type of the problems with the plaster system
2) Extent of damage to the structure of the home
3) Age of the home (i.e. whether it is less than 15 years old or not)
4) Your intentions for the property (long term or short term)
5) Current value of the property (i.e. can the cost of a reclad be justified?)
6) Potential value of the property after targeted repairs or recladding
7) Cost of various repair options
8) Availability of funding to complete the repairs
9) Your appetite for risk – the more you spend, the more you get and the lower the risk of future failure

We specialise in all aspects of repairing exterior plaster facades as well as full contract recladding in weatherboard and modern plaster systems. We have helped our clients through the decision making process hundreds of times. We have a lot of experience and expertise in this area and can provide you with an unbiased overview of all options along with the benefits & risks that attached to each option.

For more information about the options to repair your home, you can contact us on (09) 479 8901 or call into our showroom/office at 19A Triton Drive, Albany. 

Health Risks associated with Leaky Homes

A damp internal living environment and some moulds typically associated with decaying timber can have serious health implications for those living in a leaky home.

Damp living conditions affect many people and can worsen the symptoms of illnesses such as asthma, bronchitis and other breathing disorders. Damp also encourages the spread of dust mites which can further worsen these disorders. Damp insulation within the wall framing dramatically reduces the insulation value, making rooms cooler and harder to heat. The combination of cold damp rooms and the presence of some fungi will worsen respiratory problems for the very young and very old who are most at risk.

Some of the fungi that grow within wet wall cavities are toxic. In particular the stachybotrys mould (a type of fungi) produce spores which carry chemical toxins known as mycotoxins. These toxins can cause flu like symptoms in the young, the old and those with weakened immune systems.

If you are living in a damp and mouldy home and want to get it sorted, contact us on (09) 479 8901 or visit us at our office / showroom at 19A Triton Drive, Albany.